Fun Videos

Buy Me A Coffee

On this page you can find videos I have produced, mainly for pure fun, but some present my speculative scholarship as well.


Here’s my latest McDonald’s video, “How to Make a Quarantine Big Mac.” Click here to see all six of them, including the crucial question, “Can You Freeze and Reheat a Big Mac?”

For Fun

Here’s a video I entered in a contest, where you produce an interpretive dance of your PhD thesis. I didn’t win, but my entry was judged “most salient” by Marc Abrahams at Improbable Research.

Click here to see many more “For Fun” videos, including the time I won a thousand dollars in a paper airplane contest and also the gripping story of my first 200 game in bowling.

For Further Research

After I left the NSA, I largely lost interest in publishing academic articles, preferring instead to make video presentations of my scholarship, some of which is must more controversial and speculative than could ever be published anyway.

Here is my video “How Did Spartacus Really Die?”

Click here for the rest of such videos, including my solution to the famous Shugborough Inscription, which was featured in the Birmingham Post.

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