For Further Research

On this page you can find my proposed solutions to mysteries ancient and modern. Some of this is far too controversial to have ever been published in main stream academic articles, so I preferred to put these ideas out in a video format.

How Did Spartacus Really Die?:

My Proposed Decipherment of the Shugborough Inscription:

In the Beginning: Correcting an Ancient “Typo” in the Second Verse of the Bible:

The Meaning of the Mysterious Hebrew Word Selah  (סֶלָה‎):

The Number of the Beast – 666: a New Interpretation:

Finding the Holy Grail, Part One: What Was the Holy Grail?:

Finding the Holy Grail, Part Two: Where is the Holy Grail?:

A Partial Decipherment of the Enigmatic Ezerovo Ring:

The Tartaria Tablets: A Mathematical Interpretation:

A Solution to the Mysterious Dorabella Cipher:

A Proposed Solution to the Tamam Shud Case:

A Decipherment of the Name of the Zodiac Killer:

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